Wednesday, July 9, 2014

France day 9

 Tricia on the beach at St. Tropez

            To overcome the travel fatigue, Tricia and I drove down to St. Tropez and spent the day with the rich and famous on the beach.  We will share a little information—very little—while we soak up the sun.
Pampellone beach at St. Tropez

            The story of St. Tropez’ name is not a run-of-the-mill tale, but the guidebook says it’s true:  the town was named in 68 A.D.  after a Roman officer named Torpes, whose headless corpse washed up on the beach after he was beheaded in Pisa on orders of Nero.  The corpse was loaded into a boat with a dog and a rooster to consume the remains.  How they knew it was Torpes when the boat drifted ashore, or what happened to his bones, is not reflected in the guidebook.  But the stars who come to party could care less.  The town was pretty laid back until Brigitte Bardot starred in the movie And God Created Woman here.  After that, the fun-seekers poured into town in droves, and the action has never let up since.

Charlie and Tricia

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