Monday, February 18, 2013

New Zealand day 13

Marlborough area vineyard near sunset

          After yesterday's wine tasting adventure, we thought we should share at least one photo to prove we were in the vineyards.   So the photo at the top of this page is actually from day 12, when we were unable to transfer photos for reasons we will discuss with you later.

          We headed over to Nelson, a beautiful, clean little city on the north coast of the South Island, where we will spend a couple of nights resting for the long trip ahead.  Here, we toured a suprisingly good art gallery and an amazing botanical garden, with an almost uncountable variety of trees from all over the world.  This particular garden was begun in 1891, and many of the trees date from that period. We had a really interesting stroll through this park, near the city center, followed by a first rate lunch in the cafe adjoining the art gallery.

          After lunch, we noticed the local courthouse, and went inside to take a look at this country's lawyers in action.  But all of the area's business had been handled before lunch, and the courtrooms were all empty.

          Speaking of lawyers, you might be interested to know that ambulance chasers are personna non grata in this country.  There does not exist a cause of action for damages for negligence or personal injury here, as we discussed with a retired policeman and fireman.  If you are earning $100,000 per year, for example, and are run down by a drunk driver and become a paraplegic for life, you don't sue the drunk.  You file a claim with a government agency, and get free medical treatment for your injuries in addition to whatever other other compensation the government decides is appropriate.  And what about your family's loss of income for the rest of your life?  Well, they believe in personal responsibility here.  You should have had disability insurance; if you don't,you're out of luck.  Smoke that in your pipe for a while.

          We had a major crisis after lunch.  Tricia took it upon herself to take me to a place that was totally unexpected:

 Penguino Ice Cream Cafe

          In this cafe I was put under extreme and unfair stress.  Now, you--as a lover of ice cream--will surely appreciate the situation.  Before going further, I ask you:  how would you ever decide on a flavor, if you were presented with these choices:



            Blackcurrant yogurt
            Speculass (Dutch cookies and cream)
            Bayleaf and white chocolate
            Orange cheesecake
            Roasted pumpkinseed and avacado
            Raspberry yogurt
            Mango corriander

           It was an impossible situation.  Finally, under great duress, I pointed to the roasted pumpkinseed and avacado.  It turned out to be absolutely wonderful.  Tricia even shared a bit of her bayleaf and white chocolate with me.  But choosing only one flavor from among so many great choices was so stressful that she took me to the beach, stretched me out in the warm sunlight with no breeze blowing (one of only eight such days that occur each year in this place).  We stayed until nearly sunset.

                          Rabbit Island Beach on a perfect day

          After a great meal at a local Indian restaurant, we are planning our trip tomorrow to Abel Tasman National Park.  More about that later.

Charlie & Tricia

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